My friend Greg purchased twin Native Titans this spring and is tricking them out with some really cool gear. I feel so honored he decided to install the Freedom Launchers on his Twin Titans. And super pumped that he let me accompany him on the maiden launch of the big boys on the Yahara river last Saturday!
I first met Greg at Canoecopia 2022, and he was my first walk up customer to order his set of wheels. Here he is after his first purchase from Wilder Side.

Greg has been busy fitting out his Titans. I had the joy to hand deliver his first set of wheels and help install them onto his Orange Titan in March.

About a month later, I had the chance to take that same boat and launch it into the Yahara river - WHAT A BLAST!! Here we are getting our "feet wet" with the Titans, Freedom Launchers, and Torqueedos!! Check out the ~6 minute clip.
I look forward to many more adventure filled expeditions with fun gear in the quiet watersports scene. Stay safe and hope to meet many of you real soon! - David.